Sonnox oxford transmod

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In other words, it will have no effect on a steady state signal, such as a continuous tone which does not change in level. The functions of the Transient Modulator are adaptive and totally dependent upon dynamic level changes within the signal. Such effects are easily achieved with the Transient Modulator because its purpose-designed adaptive processing acts on differential information in the program so that the overall long-term program level is minimally affected and sensitivity to control parameters is drastically reduced. The application was developed to address the common situation where there is a need to selectively tighten up percussive instruments or soften the unwanted percussive effects of acoustic musical instruments.

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The TransMod can give life to dull sounding recordings, without the unwanted changes in overall timbre associated with compression.

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Conversely, it can bring up the ambience surrounding a specific sound by softening the attack. A 'soggy' drum kit can be brought to life, or a bass made to sound more punchy. It can completely exaggerate or dampen the attacks, with continuous variation between all settings. The Transient Modulator allows dramatic manipulation of signal transients.

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